When you arrive for your first appointment with Dr Sarah Coll you will be asked to complete a form that includes your personal details and our privacy policy. We have included these below so you can complete it ahead of time and bring a copy on the day, or email it to reception via [email protected].
If you have had an X-Ray, MRI, CT or any type of scan, Dr Coll will want to look at the imaging with you during your appointment.
If you were seen by any of the below radiologists Dr Coll will be able to access the imaging online.
Queensland X-Ray / Cairns Diagnostic Imaging
Cairns Radiology / I-MED
Rural Medical Imaging
North Queensland X-Ray
Mount Sheridan X-Ray / I-MED
If you were seen by any other radiology service, please contact them and ask that they send you a copy of the images on a disc for you to bring to the appointment.
If you had imaging done at the Cairns Hospital please contact Dr Coll's reception ASAP so they can arrange for it to be transferred to Dr Coll for you. Phone: 07 4052 1247. This process takes a couple of business days.